Wednesday, May 7, 2003

Today has been a much better day than those in my recent past ... I got along with everyone I encountered ... I was sick yesterday and missed work and figured I needed an extra hour each day for the next 8 days to make it up and today I did an hour and a half extra without even blinking ... I wasn't bored or pissed off or anything ... I even got this terribly rude and demeaning email from a sales person and instead of getting all bent ... I carefully wrote out a well worded email on exactly how I felt and how wrong it was to treat me that way and sent it without blinking an eye ... my mom stopped by to see me tonight ... I even watched Sesame Street as I taped it for a friend's niece ... [great show I might add ... I see why I loved it so much as a kid] ... been chatting a bit online with some friends ...

all in all I would say a pretty groovy day ... and now I think I will make some dinner ... it's hump day ... that means David will be home soon :)

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