Saturday, May 24, 2003

I've been watching "I Love The 80's" today and I feel like I should record all these to show my kids ... because this is what I lived ... this was my life ... I know people who weren't born yet or were born in like 1979 that love this show and it cracks me up ... and makes me feel old at the same time because all of this stuff I have memories of ...

they were just showing Teddy Rukspin and I worked at a toy store at Fashion Island in Cali [the rich folks mall] when the doll came out and I couldn't have hated it more ... rich women were beating the crap out of each other to get that doll ... there was one on display that talked and sang all day long ... I hated hearing him ... all day long we would get calls to see if we had Teddy in or when our next shipment was coming and you could see people lurking behind the store watching for trucks so they could make sure they get one ...

they also just showed Hands Across America ... boy do I remember when they were advertising the hell out of that ... everyone was talking about it ... and I remember our family out running around that day and we drove past people doing it and my dad said, "Hey there is that Hands Across America thing" ... my mom said, "Oh should we stop?" ... and we all looked at each other and said ... "nahhhh" ... eventful huh ...

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