Tuesday, May 20, 2003

as hard as this may be to believe ... I have enrolled in college yet again ... this will be my 5th college [2 Jr. colleges and 2 Universities] and about the 10th year I will be in school ... my goal this time ... GET A FUCKING DEGREE ... the last time I left school I was only a couple of classes short of my degree but they were hard core classes and practicum which would have taken me at least another year if not two ... and I just couldn't take it anymore ... so I will now be a University of Maryland student ... I guess that is good ... I have worked my way across the country ... California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California ... University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas and now The University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland ... soon kids can play connect the dots with all the schools I have gone to ...

classes start next Wednesday ... damn I gotta finish this time ... I am getting too old for this shit ...

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