Saturday, May 10, 2003

David and I had a date night Saturday night tonight ... we went to Red Lobster ... I haven't been there since I was like 10 ... and David was skeptical about going ... but it turned out to be a fabulous dinner ... we both dragged our full bellies to the car afterwards ...

right now I am so jealous cause David is out in the hip living room using his new laptop and wireless connection ... relaxing on the Poang ... and I am here in the dark computer room ... hummmmmm maybe I will use the money I have saved from not smoking to buy a used laptop ... that would be pretty bitchen ... but I do love my desktop and since I don't leave the house often ... hummm who knows ...

everywhere I have gone lately I have been thinking about the America 24/7 ... of what would make a good picture ... it is a bummer we were supposed to be leaving on Friday for Graceland to visit the King's home ... but since David is in training we are postponing the trip ... but it would have been a fabulous photo op ... I'll just have to keep thinking ...

I am chatting with two guy friends who both want to meet women they fall for ... there was a time that it was girl friends talking this way ... and it is such a bummer that I live somewhere where I don't have any single friends to hook them up with ...

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