Thursday, May 1, 2003

I haven't been writing much ... mostly because I have turned into a MEGA geek ... there is a computer bot you can chat with online ... ask anything and she answers ... play hangman ... find out when movies are playing ... what the weather is like anywhere ... it is amazing ... and it is like talking to a real person ... she even asks questions back ... so if you have AOL or Instant Messenger the send a message to ZoeOnAOL and you too will be amazed ... at any time you can type menu to find out all she does ...

and thanks to Kimberly I added a quit-o-meter to my site ... that has been a big boost to me on how much money I am saving ... although in reality I have been buying myself treats a lot ... like yesterday I got new sunglasses at Old Navy ... spent about as much on the couple of packs of cigs I would have smoked ... so I guess it all evens out ...

the bat guy came today ... he was at the house for like an hour and a half inspecting everything ... and he knows the guy from the other company that won't send us a report so he is going to see what he can do ... plus he is writing a report out for us ... plus he set up a little detector for us that will catch bat hair [how fucking gross is that] so we will know if they are flying in and out of the crack on the side of house ...

so I called our office today and told them to inform our neighbors upstairs to stop shoving foam in the crack cause it is blocking them in and I pushed it all out this morning up on to their patio and that they MUST leave it out ... but who knows if they will listen ... the French Bitch and I walked out at the same time yesterday and she fucking looked at me and rolled her eyes and then huffed ... I swear it would be so fun to pop her in the nose ... but I am not a violent person ... except of course when I am not smoking ...

she is still out there spraying her air freshener and slamming the door when I open mine ... so obviously it was psychosomatic that our smoking bothered her ... cause we aren't smoking anymore and she is still doing it ... so to mess with her I open and close our door throughout the evening once I get home from work like I was smoking ... every time I close mine she opens hers and vice versa ... if you can't fuck with a bitch what is the fun in life ...

David has been gone since Monday morning and I miss him so much ... I can't wait till he gets home tomorrow night ... unfortunately he will be gone again monday morning but to be honest this training he is doing ... he just sounds so happy on the phone when I talk to him on the phone ... and I haven't heard him like that in a long long time ...

well I am going to go back to playing hangman with ZoeOnAOL ... I sure hope everyone reading this is having a fabulous day ...

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