Sunday, May 4, 2003

poor David ...

he was gone for a whole week and he came home to Lizzie The Bitch ... my mood is soooooooo foul it is scary

the fuckers upstairs shoved stuff back in the god damn crack so it blocked the trap ... which means it is costing me another $75 to set it up again ... and another trip for Phil [we are now on a first name bases with the guy from the trapping company] when he comes back to check it and another day I have to ask to leave early or come in late to work ... all I ask is that they leave their shit out of the gap for 4 days ...

and speaking of which I am now a non smoker ... I totally am cause I tried one of David's cigs on Friday when he got home and it was foul and disgusting and I had two hits and put it out ... I actually wondered why I had ever started and what was it that I loved so much ... so since I have been saving so much money why would I start again ... but now that I am a reformed smoking [meaning the smell is even harsher for me than for someone that never smoked] and David is still smoking I had him leave the sliding glass door open when he went out last night ... so I could see what the fucko's upstairs are complaining about ...

now keep in mind they are a brick and cement patio and a floor away from the smoker ... I am at the same level and he paced near the door ...

I could smell it for a second but it went away rather quick ... it was hardly enough to throw such a fucking hissy about ... and if I only smelled it for a second how bad could it have been having to travel through the concrete and into their house ...

I was dozing on the couch yesterday and they were pounding and doing something upstairs that was actually shaking the couch and woke me up ... well with that happening I lost it about them especially after I saw they shoved the crap back in the gap ... and I hope they heard me too ...

I am going to try to be in a better mood today since David leaves again tomorrow morning for another week ... I actually spent most of the day in bed yesterday and I don't think David came home to watch me sleep ... so since it is so early I think I'll go get us some coffee ... at least I can start the day off nice for him ...

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