Saturday, May 24, 2003

I have seen The Outsides at least 100 times ... I was a freak about the when I was 13 ... my best friend Dana and I went to see it in the theater over and over again ... some Saturdays' we would go for the first showing and watch it two more times ...

well it was just on cable ... and the movie effected me the same way it did in 1983 ... I felt a sense of joy when the greasers won the rumble ... I bawled when Johnny Cade died ... cried even more when Dally Winston was shot over and over again ... his body lurching in the park and everyone yelling for the cops to start ...

I read the book along with all of S. E. Hinton's books back then ... read them over and over again ... and I think after 20 years ... it is time for me to read them all over again ...

My biggest connection with the story was the reference to Robert Frost ... he has always been my favorite poet ... and to pick up a popular book that everyone was reading and have it refer so much to Robert Frost ... well me being the geek I am it was just so exciting ...

Nature's first green is gold

Her hardest hue to hold

Her early leafs a flower

But only so an hour

Then leaf subsides to leaf

So Eden sank to grief

So dawn goes down to day

Nothing gold can stay.

Robert Frost

I have a lot of his poems memorized ... actually I just have a lot of poems memorized ... I bet my parents wonder why I hated school so much and never did get a degree ... and just slipped under the wire in High School ... cause I am a mega geek ...

well this mega geek needs to do some grocery shopping ... although I hate doing it ... I am taking some music [that always helps] and I am going before David wakes up ... tomorrow is his birthday and it would be nice if we have some food in the house ... ohhhhhhhhhh maybe I'll bake a cake :)

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