Thursday, April 17, 2003

And the bat saga continues ...

I am sure everyone that reads this is tired of the bat stories just as I am tired of living them ... but so far this is my best record of everything

so today [and I should have stayed home] ... the trapping company our condo association uses came over ... the plan was to inspect our house and the attic of our building ... I know he inspected the house ... I have no idea if he checked the attic ...

he went into the dining room ... took the heating vent off the wall and told David there was a bunch of bat crap between the duct and the wall ... he sealed up the gap between the vent and the drywall and then went out onto the balcony ...

turns out fucking frenchie DID seal up their exit ... the gap that they sealed up with that god damn foam seems to have sealed a hole on the outside of the building they were using for a passage way ... when they got to the hole and couldn't get out they came through our wall and through the gap between the vent and drywall and into our home ... well frenchie and her husband scraped out all the foam weekend before last ... and the weather got cold so we didn't have any problems ... but then Saturday they filled the gap with some sort of removable foam and again the bat came in ...

now the guy checking it out seems to think they got enough of the foam out of the gap that the bats could come in and out again [not of our house but to the outside] but to test his theory he put some tissue paper up in the hole and told David to check on it to see if it moves ... he told him it was probably too cold for them to go out tonight [which means I may get a peaceful nights rest] but to still check on it ...

David instant messaged me at work and told me all that was happening ... I asked him to get paperwork from the guy because if it states that the bats came from the outside of the building and that frenchie's brilliant fucking idea trapped them in ... well the $700 bucks we have spent thus far will be paid by our wonderful upstairs neighbors and the condo association ... one of them will pay for sure ... but the trapper guy told David he would be leaving a report with our condo office and that he was going to check the attic ...

here is where the story gets fishy ... and I figured out there are 4 scenarios that could have taken place ...

when David left to pick me up at work he decided to stop by the condo office and ask for a copy of the report but they told him the guy never came by and that they had no paperwork and didn't know what happened ...

I called the trapping company and asked if I could get a copy of all paperwork and they said yes if I called Friday morning they would fax me copies of everything ... then I called the condo office and they said he never came by ... I said "well wasn't he supposed to check the attic ... didn't he need to get a key from you?" and she said "yes I thought he was going to check the attic" ... I questioned how he could do that if he never came by to get a key and she explained that he might have a copy from another job they did ... [sounds fishy if you ask me]

so tomorrow I will find out what really happened ... it was either ...

1) the guy never went into the attic or to the condo office and when he left our home he left the neighborhood

2) the guy went to the office to get a key for the attic ... checked out the attic ... left the key and a report with the office and they lied to us

3) he had a key ... checked out the attic ... took paperwork to the office and they lied to us

4) he had a key ... checked out the attic ... didn't leave any paperwork with the office [this is the only scenario that is acceptable to me]

if he didn't check out the attic today I will take on the rage and anger David has been displaying and you better damn well believe someone will be in our attic checking out the fucking bat situation before lunch tomorrow ... I have had enough of this dung ... this is my home and it is being invaded ...

and you can better believe if another one of those fucking flying rats comes in here I will call this company that came out today ... on a double time emergency call and tell them our condo association is paying and to fucking hightail their ass to my house to remove the creature ...

I hope for everyone's sake no one was lying to David cause he is beyond mad ... I try to calm him down and put my anger aside ... but being his Ghandi all the time is hard ...

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