Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Chin Hairs

So no one ever tells you that around the time you hit 30 you will also start getting these random chin hairs ... ones that seem to grown in and be 4 inches all at once and you wonder how in the world you could have missed that ...

I usually find them at the worst time ... like on the way to a job interview ... dressed up and in the car on the way to a wedding ... it wasn't ever while I was hanging out at home watching cheesy TV ...

So I learned to always carry a tweezers with me ... cause let me tell you no matter how hard you try you aren't getting that sucker out with your finger tips ... and once you discover it there on your chin your hand keeps going to it ... you are sure everyone just sees it blazing there on your face ...

I am here to tell you that apparently by around the age of 38 you will feel them on your chin but as much as you look you can't find it ... you start to wonder if your eyesight is failing ... if you are just imagining them ... what the deal is ... day after day your hand will go across your chin (cause you have 8 years of experience now ... you know to just kinda check every once in a while) ... you keep feeling it but no matter how hard you look you see nothing ...

Then the light hits it just right ... there it is ... the hair you have been feeling for 3 days now ... a big bright shiny GREY chin hair ... yes GREY!!!!! ...

It wasn't my eyesight ... my mind wasn't playing tricks on me ... I am just now old enough to have grey hair sprouting up on my body ... sure I guess there is a benefit ... if I feel it on the way to a wedding now I can hope it is grey and blends in ... but let me tell you ... it looks shiny as all get out when the light hits it right ...


  1. OMG I just about peed myself.... too funny.

  2. DAMN - so they turn grey eventually? I think that color won't blend in very well on my face.

    I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with the pesky things the way it is now. . . do they never go away?

  3. OMFG.... I was HOWLING reading this.... I can so relate - sad Sad SAD. I guess I just have the grey to look forward to, lol......
