Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Punk Rock Poncho

Last night I actually knitted rather than computer work for the first time in months and months and months ... and let me say ... it was SO nice ... beyond nice ... I was just very happy and relaxed ... I'm kinda sorry I let it go so long ... they I let my life get so crazy that I stopped doing something that brings me pleasure ...

So Curly Top lost her mind when I got home ... screaming and crying and wouldn't help clean up and just was basically crazy ... she just wanted to go to sleep ... so shortly after 6 I put her blanket and pillow on the love seat and she was asleep in 2 seconds ... a little after 7 D carried her up to bed ... even changing didn't wake her up ... I did set up her DVD player because if she woke up at 3 in the morning I didn't want her screaming for us ...

I didn't need to worry ... at a little after 8 we heard the Muppet Movie playing ... I went up to see if she wanted to join us downstairs ... it took a bit of coaxing cause who could compete with Kermit the Frog ... but eventually she was ready to come downstairs ... she was even willing to put away a few toys that were the subject of the big breakdown before she fell asleep ...

Well the 2 hour "nap" was really a power nap that made her amazingly chatty and wanting to dance everywhere ... it was actually quite fun ... she ate a bit ... drank a bit ... told us dozens of stories ... practiced ALL of her dance moves ... and even handed out hugs and kisses freely ...

But best of all she kept asking what I was making ... I kept telling her it was her "punk rock poncho" ... she said "thank you" every time ... then held it in her hands and said "ohhhh ohhhh black soft" ... it is going to be so cute when I finally finish it ... she has me all inspired now ...

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