Sunday, August 3, 2008

Every Spare Moment

Yesterday I spent every spare moment working on my redesign for my Cafepress store ... it is a slow and log process ... I almost finished one section ... just a couple more designs to add to that section ... then I will only have 3 sections left ...

In between that we just played and spent most of the time near the bathroom working on the whole potty training thing ... it was really draining me yesterday ... we did the wear nothing ... I had to go up to the bathroom myself and asked D to keep an eye on her ... 2.5 hours we had been working wearing nothing ... and in the 6ish minutes I was gone she had a pull-up on ... and pitched a fit going back to nothing ... I was really pissed at first but just let it go ... he wants her to use the potty but apparently isn't as committed to the process ...

So this morning she and I have been working on a grocery list while she eats raisins out of a barrel of monkey's container ... I hate that I leave all domestic stuff till Sunday ... I still haven't put away the clothes from last weekend nor washed any from this week ... so that means when we get home we are off to my parents house because we told them we would clean all our stuff out of their basement ... then back here to do laundry and put away 2 weeks worth ... I should have worked on some of this yesterday but I wasn't about to have a kid with no diaper on sitting on my bed ...

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