Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hair Cut

So I am HATING my hair lately ... it is just horrible ... I remember my hair being awesome last time I was pregnant ... but not this time ... so I am thinking of chopping it all off ... not short hair mind you because we know how horrible that looks on me ...

I am thinking of going back to it being short-ish ... like at my chin line and straight with a "That Girl" flip ... hummmm let's see if I can take a photo of my drivers license and put it up here ... since I don't have a computer hooked up to my scanner ... ahhhh yes it worked ... so I am thinking of doing it more like this ...

And if I cut it like this ... I would be cutting off enough to donate to Locks of Love ... I would have to check ... cause if it was somewhere close I would make sure to wait until it was long enough to do that ...

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