Tuesday, August 5, 2008


It might be a little known fact that I am SUPER excited about the Olympics starting this weekend ... it was always a big deal in my house ... Winter and Summer Olympics ... it is just so exciting seeing people who have worked hard their whole life attempt to attain their dreams while representing their country ...

When I was 14 the Olympics came to Los Angeles ... the dooms day reports about what LA was going to be like made the idea of having them there daunting ... everyone said there would be no way to get tickets or anything ... traffic would be crazy ... everyone should get out of town ...

Turns out my dad found it a great time to commute ... it wasn't dooms day ... and there were plenty of tickets available ... so we went and saw Men's Gymnastics ... (anyone remember Mitch Gaylord ... I was in love with him back then and got to sit right there in the stadium and watch) ... and we saw Equestrian ... it was awesome to be part of the Olympics ... hang out at UCLA ... everything about it was so cool ... my brother and I wanted to go to more ...

One day I hope to go back again ...

And now for the hysterical photos from 1984 ... don't you love my Esprit ... I know you do ...


1 comment:

  1. oh yes!!! I loved me some Esprit!!

    I could have written this post about when the olympics came to atlanta and I was also 14.... I may have to dredge some pics up!
