Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Was Wrong

Well ... it turns out I was totally wrong ... I just felt like I was actually pregnant ... so last night I had D go and get me and EPT test ... rather than the First Response I was using from Costco ... and this morning that + sign showed up before the control window was even wet ...

So woohooooo ... we got another little one on the way ... and I told D like I did before ... while he was still asleep ... it is really the very only thing that gets him up quickly ... finding out he has a little one on the way ...

He just IMed me asking if we could put in a request for another one exactly like the one we have ... cause he said he is totally in love with her ...

So I have an appointment next Thursday ... D and Curly Top are going to come with me ... I suspect she knows ... for the last two days she keeps asking me if I will hold her like a baby ... I think I'll need to make her a super cool Big Sister shirt so she can announce it to everyone ...

For right now it is super hard keeping the secret ...

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