Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hard Disk Full

In working on the previous post I couldn't upload the photos to the server ... I got a message that said the disk was full ... 80 GB full ... now this isn't a new problem ... for the last couple of months it has been telling me it was dangerously close to being full ...

Now D and I do 99.9% of the tech support for our server ... really the only time we let the tech support do anything on our server is when they actually screw something up and we let them move files on to restore the server ...

But in the past someone has hacked into our server and was uploading movies to it ... D and I did lots of stuff to rectify that problem ... but this time we just couldn't find anything and the logs didn't show anyone else on the server ... I've asked D several times to take a look because I have spent hours and hours trying to figure out what was going on ... when I added it up we were only using about 30 GB ...

So needless to say when it said disk full tonight I was steamed ... and he was sitting right here so there was no escaping my wrath ... he relented and signed on to check it out ...

Hours went by and still nothing ... then suddenly a smirk spread across his face ... I got so excited ... I could tell he figured it out ... he stopped me as I started to tell him how awesome he was ...

It turns out ages ago he was working on a script ... apparently it ran producing folder and folder until it took up 51 GB ... and he had no idea ...

Now I am so happy he found it ... removed it ... and freed up our server space ... but it only proves why I hate our tech support ... 4 people that I know of have looked at the server and couldn't figure out what was wrong ... pretty sure no one did anything besides look at it ... no checking anything ...

At least I didn't go off on them ... which was my next step cause the last email said, "hummm we don't know what is going on but something doesn't look right" ... yea good answer tech support ... if I had given that answer to a customer when I worked tech support there would have been problems ...

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