Friday, August 1, 2008

91 Packages

Well I pretty much spent the day getting together stuff to UPS ... 91 packages in total ... I told our guy yesterday that there would be a lot ... he isn't like Newman our mailman who seriously gets upset when we have outgoing mail ... today I had 7 boxes for him and he asked if I just wanted to drop them off on my way home ... I told him "no thanks but I don't mind if you drop them off on your way home" ...

So now I am just hanging out waiting for Mr. UPS to sweep all this away and make my office look a bit nicer again ... and I am looking forward to taking a shower once I get home ... it was dumb to wear a white shirt when I knew this is what I would be doing ... so I just feel grimy ...

I want to start my weekend off on a good note ... even though I will most likely spend the whole weekend trying to motivate myself to get stuff together for the garage sale ...

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