Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Free Moment

So the last several days are almost a blur ... I've been working on a video of my family ... not just the 3 of us ... the enter Roberts Clan ... starting I guess with my Great-Grandfather ... all his kids (my grandmother) ... all their kids (my mother) ... and all their kids (me) and their kids (Skye) ... so it has been a huge undertaking ... my mom has been collecting photos from family members for months ...

In the last week I have compiled them as a One True Media video with music ... last night I sent the video to my TiVo and am now burning a copy that I can leave in my mailbox for my dad to take to the reunion ... since we are no longer going ...

David and I talked the other night and we just can't afford it ... the cost of gas and food is just more than we can do right now ... which I am very bummed about ... I was looking forward to seeing everyone ... my cousin and I were going to take the kids to Putt Putt ... which Curly Top would love ... and we were just going to get away ... even if only for a few days ... I need a change of scenery ... and I thought it was important to go to the first reunion since my grandmother passed away ... I guess I need to be happy at the fact that we went last year and got to see her one last time before she passed ...

Part of me would really like to be there when everyone watches the video ... it had me bawling it came out so great and I learned so much about my family ... after my mom watched it she called me crying and thanking me for putting it together - even though she really did the majority of the work I just took all her hard work and made it look pretty ...

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