Monday, August 11, 2008

My Ride To Work

So I got to drive my car to work today for the first time in months ... I mean the last time I had been in the car was on July 4th when D took me to the hospital ...

So it was pretty well cleaned out from when we got it back from being fixed ... and the air works (of course the temp has dropped considerably in the last couple of days) ... and I had my XM radio back ... which I had REALLY missed in the car ...

So needless to say I started my commute off perfect ... blairing Styx and cruising the beltway to work ... every song that came on the 70's on 7 was awesome this morning ... on of those days you can sing along to everything ... LOVE THAT ... and there was hardly any traffic ...

Besides I got to start my morning seeing Curly Top and helping her get dressed for the day ... as well as read a quick book and get some snuggling in ... I just love that ... it lasts me all day ... that good feeling of seeing her in the morning ...

Besides this week at work will be somewhat slow because everyone is in a sales meeting ...

And today is Kris' birthday ... so woooohoooooo great start to the week ... :)

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