Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bye Bye Bunny

It was so upsetting ... tonight when we got home we headed out back to play for a bit ... and a kitty came into our backyard ... Curly Top was so excited and was calling to the cat and running around ... it is one we have seen before and is very sweet ...

But tonight he was too interested in our shed ... our shed that has a family of bunnies living underneath it ... we love the bunnies ... every time Curly Top goes outside she yells, "Bunnies ... where are you?" ...

Well I was worried the cat was looking for the little baby bunnies ... and unfortunately I was right ...

I saw him zip out from under the shed ... with a little baby bunny in his mouth ... and hop over the fence ...

Luckily I was blocking Curly Top's view cause she would have been so upset ... but I for sure was quite upset ...

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