Saturday, August 30, 2008

So Gross

So my friend Shannon suggested in a comment to my last post that I am lucky ... something about horseshoes shoved where the sun don't shine ... she may change her mind now ...

I was kind of dumb to stay up till 1 AM ... but after our Wizard of Oz rest I wasn't really tired ... I was watching funny movies - My Cousin Vinny & Beverly Hills Cop - and getting some stuff done ... but eventually we went up to bed ...

As we were laying down Curly Top started talking to her self in her sleep ... it was so cute ... then what felt like 10 minutes later (but was really 2.5 hours) she started crying ... it mostly sounded like in her sleep crying that she does ... but D actually got up to go check on her ... and I could hear him asking her if she was alright ...

A few minutes later he came walking into our room with her in his arms ... apparently she got sick ... threw up sick ... so he did a PJ change but said he didn't check her bed ... and tried to wipe her down a bit ...

Let me tell you ... wiping down does not take away throw up smell ... and being pregnant it was the worst smell I could be snuggled up with ... the worst ...

She asked for Little Einsteins ... and of course I am going to oblige to a little one who just puked ... during the show she asked for juice ... OH MY GOD ... the smell when I opened our bedroom door almost knocked me on my ass ... and it just got worse the closer I got to her room ...

I'm not sure how D didn't know - except he probably didn't turn on the light - but it was all over her bed ... and I couldn't just leave it there ... I just knew how bad the smell would be when we got up ... although the most I would do is clean up what I could and put everything on her bed into the laundry basket ...

We watch Little Einsteins and Sesame Street and I think Daddy's snoring was getting to her so she asked if we could go have some apples downstairs ...

So down here we sit ... the smell was getting so bad all over the place that I had to start the laundry ... but now I am trying to bribe my daughter to go take a bath right now ... cause she still smells and it is hard for me to sit next to her ... but she just doesn't get it ... and is pitching a total fit

I just looked over at her ... she is sound asleep on the couch next to me ...

So I thought I lucked out ... I picked her up after falling sleep to lay her down on the love seat ... her bed roll is on there ready for her ... she was so wet through that we went upstairs to change her pull-up and she asked for a bath ... an hour she spent in there with good smelling bubbles and all ... but unfortunately I can still smell the puke ...

Now she is already sound asleep on the love seat ... out cold ... and I am just starving ... so I guess it is time for some cereal for me ...

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