Thursday, August 7, 2008

Eyes Wide Open

You know those times in life where stuff starts to hit you ... and you wonder "were my eyes shut to everything around me?" ... weird things start making sense ... off handed comments mean more ... you feel foolish and silly ... were you a follower when you thought you were a leader? ...

Lately weird stuff has just been happening to me ... conversations with people ... run-ins with strangers ... comments from family members ... observations from co-workers ... all completing this puzzle that I don't like ... and the more I think about it and brood over it ... the more upset and disenchanted I get with where I am right now and how I got here ...

A part of me got lost somewhere ... and I don't like what filled its place ...

But how do you return to who you are ...

Do you have to start from scratch ... is it even possible ... can you screw stuff up so badly that there is no going back ...

I'm just at a loss ... an emptiness filled with confusions and anger and disappointment in myself ... and how I let my environment effect how I live my life ...

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