Sunday, August 31, 2008

Butterflies Everywhere

Today we went to Brookside Garden's and visited the Butterfly House ... it was AMAZING ... there were hundreds and hundreds of butterflies everywhere ... all of us loved it ...

Skye really really wanted a butterfly to land on her finger ... she watched another little girl get one to walk onto her finger and she thought it was just the greatest thing ... she did get to hold one of the dead butterflies (she didn't know it was dead so she thought it was fantastic) but that didn't stop her from trying to get every one she saw to walk out on her finger ...

She befriended the man that checks you for butterflies before you leave ... he let her sit in his chair while the butterflies swirled around her ... she loved every minute of it ... and so did D and I ...

Now it is a bit of a photo overload ... and can you believe this is only a few of the tons we took ...


  1. Oooooh my goodness, LOOK at her!!!!

  2. Awww... I'm remember the butterfly conservatory at Niagara Falls - same deal... only Dani was too young to appreciate it. I can imagine how much more charming it would be with appreciative two year old! The wonder of them :)
