Tuesday, September 3, 2002

:::warning::: :::warning::: :::warning:::

I am in a bad bad mood ... and I awoke this way

some fucking collection agency left a message on my machine first thing this morning that finished with "if I were you I would call within 3 hours" ... they didn't say who they were or what it was about but I have dodged collectors long enough ... so David called and said "if I were you I would watch your fucking mouth leaving messages like that on the machine" ... David is so funny when he is mad and yelling cause his New York accent is three times as strong and he gets loud and sounds quite menacing ...

when I spoke to the man that left the message I found he was in fact a woman ... I told her "look next week it will be a year since I lost my job ... I live in a room in my parents basement and have applied to well over 400 jobs it will be a cold day in hell before I pay off some old debt my ex wracked up when I can't even afford to buy my own food" ... and this bitch started yelling at me that the debt was accumulated before I lost my job and that I should grow up ... I yelled fuck you and hung up the phone ...

such a lovely way to wake up ... let me tell you ... see up until I worked in New York I never made enough money to file taxes ... so collectors lost track of me ... I file taxes the first year I am in NY and holy shit they come out of the woodworks ... this bill they are trying to collect is from 1998 ... that is when I cancelled the Best Buy card and stopped paying it ...

I think I want to take boxing lessons ... I have so much pent up rage I need to do something ... besides I could really use the workout

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