Thursday, September 12, 2002

Lets do a quite update of the last 48 hours:

Wednesday ...

1 ... had trouble falling asleep Tuesday night [for no reason but sheer worry]

2 ... woke up early, joyful that nothing catastrophic happened to the world

3 ... David and I incorporated our web company and opened a corporate bank account

4 ... David got a call to set up an interview with the exact type of job he wants [interview Thursday]

5 ... while working on my family's website computer takes a fatal dive and loose EVERYTHING

Thursday ...

6 ... hang out in the car while David has a great interview

7 ... come home eat lunch and head out to pick up both contacts and new glasses

8 ... go to BestBuy to find some sort of reliable back-up product for my computer/David's 3 computers/3 servers ... find nothing so far

9 ... install XP pro with a semi-restore option

10 ... spend evening trying to get computer back to working order

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