Wednesday, September 18, 2002

riddle me this one ... why was the job at Sports Club LA not good enough for me when I was offered that ... it was $3 an hour more ... full time and full benefits ... and it was using my computer skills ... that job I was told not to take ... but PB is a great job ... at part time ... with no benefits

my stomach is turning ... my head hurts ... and I am crying right now this is so upsetting to me

are my parents trying to sabotage my life ... make it so I will never be on my own ... is that why they went ahead with this condo even though David and I said we weren't ready ...

I am stressing out because one of my hosting clients wants their site up by today ... and I have soooooooooooooo much programming to do on it still ... I mean I know they can't be totally mad because some of it was just discussed yesterday ... but this is crazy ...

I am making myself fucking sick ...

the last time I worked at the mall ... it was in high school ... it was at The Limited ... and I quit after 4 hours ... :)

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