Monday, September 16, 2002

I am having a rather large dilemma tonight ... Pottery Barn called and I got the job ... part time ... and $12 an hour less than I used to make ... I am getting the job because they need people to work Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years ... so if I take the job and get offered something else it would be morally wrong to take a different job ... I would feel bad and it wouldn't be right ...

ya know what I hate the idea that I am going from a high paying sales job ... to a part time job at the mall ... I worked at the mall in high school ... up until this point in life each job I took was a better job or taught me something I would need for future jobs ...

I am just kinda depressed about it ... working part time will definitely not pay my rent ... but even worse working full time I wouldn't make enough to pay rent ... ack I have to make a decision by tomorrow morning ... shit who knows ... how can I be broke and turn down any job ... but then I feel wrong taking a job that I might quit cause I am offered a full time job with benefits ... as it stands right now my cobra plan runs out in March ... shit what to do what to do ...

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