Monday, September 2, 2002

I have found the only way I can get through chores I despise ... I must listen to music ... so since I have been putting off going to the grocery store for 3 days ... I loaded up my MP3 player ... grabbed my headphones ... and headed to Giant ... it probably would have been better to go yesterday because it appeared everyone woman was trying to get her husband out of the house today and the store was filled with what appeared to be a bunch of men that only go grocery shopping on holidays ... leaving their cart in the middle of the isle ... taking 20 minutes to figure out what package of ground beef to choose ... and my favorite was a guy who stood in front of the peanut butter with his cart for an entire song on my MP3 player and couldn't move for anyone ... there was a line of us when he finished just waiting to grab a jar ... but I had my music so I lip-synched down the isles and boogied here and there ... got myself a small coffee for the experience ... and got pretty much everything we need ... I usually grab a couple of things ... give up ... and have to go back ... I just hate hate hate grocery shopping ... David hates it too ... but since I am more even tempered than he I wind up going ... but I must say the music made it a bit better ...

Current MP3 Playlist:

01 - A Little Less Conversation ... Elvis Presley & DMX

02 - Voodoo Lady ... Ween

03 - Daria ... Cake

04 - Bugsy Malone ... Paul Williams

05 - Nobody's Fault But My Own ... Beck

06 - The Distance ... Cake

07 - Oops I Did It Again ... Britney Spears

08 - Interjection ... School House Rock, Grammar Rock

09 - The One ... Foo Fighters

10 - Fast As You Can ... Fiona Apple

11 - Pale Shelter ... Tears For Fears

12 - Peace Frog ... The Doors

13 - The Bitch Is Back ... Elton John

14 - Popular ... Nada Surf

15 - Falling In Love Again ... Marlene Dietrich

16 - Mexican Radio ... Wall of Voodoo

17 - Belly of The Whale ... Burning Sensations

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