Wednesday, June 6, 2001

New Job?

the stress is kind of getting to me ... i could just as easily be out of a job as anyone else ... one thing is going for me ... i am an incredable working ... i work really hard ... i try really hard ... if i were to put out any more effort i would have to forgo more sleep ... my skills are amazing ... but when you are part of a company that went corporate and merges happen ... anything can happen ... there are no guarentees ...

now i know i could get another job easily ... i really can do anything ... i have been fabulous at every job i have ever had ... well except when i was a vegiterian and i worked in a smokehouse restaurant ... that i sucked at ... i didn't know what any of the dishes were ... but when it was my night to be a hostess i rocked ... :)

so i could go out there and find another job ...

but i love doing web hosting for adult sites ... i rock at it ... i am great at it ... i know my stuff ... and my customers love me ...

even if i am one of the people that stays with the company and moves to the city ... how different is my job going to be? we are moving into someone elses office ... we do things their way not our way ...

when my boss told the sales department he said 'don't analize it' ... but we weren't given enough information to do anything but analize it ... talk and wonder about it so much that we became anal about it ...

i wish all the answers weren't going to loom for so long ... just do what needs to be done and lets get started on this next phase of life ...

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