Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Last night we went to McDonald's for dinner ... mommy had a craving and I just thought it would be good for us to all get out of the house ... also I knew if we went my car would get cleaned off and I wouldn't have to worry about it this morning on my way to work ...

The whole time we ate Skye watched the play area ... we've been before but she just didn't seem to like it all that much ... she would check out and come back ... or go in and want out immediately ... so I figured that was how it would be last night as well ...

To my surprise she went in full force ... and had a blast ... climbing all the way to the top ... going into the dark tunnels at the bottom ... bossing around kids older than her ... making friends ... jumping around ... it was great ... she even for the first time came and said she had pooped and needed a new pull-up so she could go back and play ... never has that happened ... she had a blast ... so David and I were pretty content to just hang out and let her have at it till she was tired and ready to go home ...

It makes me so happy to see her branch out and embrace things that once made her nervous or scared ...

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