Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nervous Appointment

Today I went in for my 34 week appointment ... I was very nervous to go because this is the appointment last time that I was told to go check myself into the hospital where I spent 4 days to be sent home on bed rest and had my little one 2 weeks later at 36 weeks ...

So I went in very nervous ... so nervous that my blood pressure was up ... which is what set everything in motion last time ... the nurse said, "be prepared he may put you on bed rest" ... my heart just sank ... I am just not in a place right now to go on bed rest ...

My doctor was cool ... he said it wasn't up that much and it could easily be how nervous I was ... he told me I just had to rest as much as I can and if someone else can take care of something that I would normally do ... let them do it ...

So once again I am going to try and do that ... try really hard ...