Tuesday, March 3, 2009

34 Weeks

Wow 4 weeks left and I am not closer to being ready than I was the day I found out I got pregnant ...

On a TMI note - I started loosing my plug this week ... let me just say ick ... but I guess that means this is really gonna happen ... hahahaaaa

My right leg keeps giving out on me ... not a lot but enough for me to be careful ... it only happens when I twist or step wrong ... and I get killer charlie horses most nights ... those just kick my ass ... and the lower back pain is a bit much at times ...

But then there are moments like last night when I realize I am walking better than usual ... so it is all just a hit and miss with how I feel ...

Not much longer now ... Skye and I checked out a bunch of books this weekend about being a big sister ... she has started pretending to hold a baby and tells me she is holding a baby ... it is quite sweet ... most days I think she is really going to take to being a big sister ... sometimes I am not sure how well she is going to do once he can touch her stuff ...

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