Tuesday, March 24, 2009

37 Weeks

Well it is official today ... I made it one week longer than I did with Skye ... pretty happy about that ...

But boy am I hurting ... it is hard to get up because the pressure is so hard core ... and I have to steady myself before walking ... so I sit for longer periods than I probably should because the whole walking is so hard ...

I have started having some contractions ... in the last day or so ... could be the last couple of days ... I thought it was the baby moving but then when I really sat and concentrated on them last night I figured out the difference between the baby actually moving and the contractions ... there is no regularity to them and it is quite some time between each one but they are there ... obviously he is just as uncomfortable as I am ...

I've gotten so big that I am wondering if I was someone who was going to go to my due date if they would change that assessment ... people look at me now with a pained look on their face ...

I have my last doctors appointment on Thursday and then baby day is on Monday ... I just called the hospital to get the paperwork to preregister and it turns out my doctors office already did it for me ... she said I am already in the system all ready to go ... just need to show up ... so I got to cross something off my to do list without having to do anything ... if only the rest of the list would go that quickly ...

I can't believe the day is almost here ... less than a week ... tonight I will be packing my bag just in case these contractions become something serious ...

1 comment:

  1. Ooooooh- so exciting!! I am on pins and needles. Can't wait to hear some news. Hope your comfort level increases a bit. GL
