Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I love IKEA even more today than I did yesterday ...

First off they have the best kids hangers ... I just love them ... they will work for years because the size is just right ...

So with another little one on the way I need more hangers and since I haven't done anything ahead of time I've been needing to stop and today was finally the day ...

Now I am sure I have mentioned it before but I worked at IKEA and absolutely loved the job ... thought about making it a career in their design department (where you get to work on the showrooms) ... so since I worked there I know how to get to any section of the store no problem ... I've actually had friends ask if I will go with them so we can get right to what they are looking for ...

With this knowledge I know that when you go up to the top floor to start your shopping experience you can turn to your left and the kids section is right there ... it is the last area on the top floor ... problem is without going through a no merchandise area you can't get right to the cash registers ... and at this point there is NO WAY I could make the walk to the check out even with the short cuts I know ...

So I asked an employee that works in the entry way if it was alright if I went up and got the kids hangers and came back through the entrance and cut over to the check out ... that there was just no way I could walk through the store ... and he said yes ... not a problem ... especially since I was sooooooooooo pregnant ...

That just made my trip ... it made it so much easier on me I couldn't believe it ... and I was in and out of there in no time without an extra mile of walking ... I am so glad I asked ...

And I scored 96 new awesome hangers for 16 dollars ... you can hardly beat that ...

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