Tuesday, March 10, 2009

35 Weeks

I had a sonogram today ... unfortunately no pictures ... he was just too big ... the doctor kept saying, "oh my goodness" ...

Turns out he couldn't get a full measurement of his abdomen ... but what he got he said this big guy is a little over 9 pounds right now ... he is already bigger than Skye was at 36 weeks when she was born ...

I checked to make sure it looked like I would go till March 31st since my parents are leaving on Friday for a trip and they really want to be here when he was born and he said it looked good ... but they are having me come back next Tuesday to make sure everything is alright ... and I see my OB every Thursday so two appointments a week for the next 3 weeks I should be pretty well covered ...

Weird thing that I don't remember with Skye ... I have sooooooo much trouble walking until I go to the bathroom then I am fine ... I think he is kicking my bladder and laughing about it ... I told a friend tonight I was really looking forward to not getting up 4 times a night ...

So even though our house is totally not ready I have to start doing something to get ready for this kid ... it is going to happen in 3 weeks from today and we are not even close to ready ... granted I can spent my maternity leave hanging out with my kids and getting this house back in order ... but I think I at least need to go through all the clothes I have and have some ready for him ...

I am feeling a bit better than I was last week ... not sure why that is but I'll take it ...

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