Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Joy Through The Pain

So today I have been in much more pain than I was yesterday ... I guess I thought I was going to have miracle abdominal surgery and be pain free but that isn't the case ...

I did get to take a shower this morning which was very nice and very needed ... and I got to see my doctor this morning ... which it was so good to see him ... I just love him so much ... he of course mentioned, "He wasn't 11 pounds" which was my guess ... and I said yes but I was only an ounce off and closer than his guess ... he is being very cool ... he said he was going to come and visit me again tomorrow before we decide when I am going home ... kind of hoping Lincoln gets to go at the same time as me ...

Then the doctor who delivered Lincoln came by to see me ... she said my incision looks great and that I can probably go home tomorrow but they aren't putting in the order for it yet so they can see how I am tomorrow ... she mentioned how much better I looked now than when she saw me Sunday morning ... and commented on how funny and happy I was after I got my spinal ...

After seeing the doctors I headed down alone to NICU ... where I got to snuggle Lincoln for a while ... I wanted to stay and feed him but he is just so heavy sitting on my stomach that after about 40 I needed to go back upstairs ... I just didn't think I would be able to do it alone ... it is much easier when David is with me and we can pass him back and forth and help each other ...

While I was down there another mother was wheeled in to see her baby ... the woman wheeling her looked at me and said, "ohhhh hello there." with a big smile on her face ... then she started to giggle ... I said hello and she said, "You probably don't remember me ... I was in the operating room with you Sunday, I was one of the nurses." ... I said, "Oh so are you giggling because of how I acted after I got the spinal?" and she said, "Yes, we all thought you were so cute and so happy after that." ...

I headed back up to my room and ate my lunch and took some pain medication and a nap ... today the pain has just been especially hard and without a nap yesterday I was hurting ... as I was waking up I saw the cutest little kid run into my room ... I was so happy to be awoken by Schuyler yelling, "Mommy oh mommy I missed you." ... I guess they called while I was asleep and said they were heading over ... and I was so happy to see them ...

We all visited for a while and then headed down to the NICU ... my dad and I went in first ... then he tagged out and my mom came in ... today my mom got to hold Lincoln for the first time ... and she was so happy to do so ... it was a nice visit with him and then we all headed back upstairs ...

David got here soon after we got back to the room and Skye was happy to see him ... I hate it that she still hasn't met her brother or seen him ... she just doesn't really know what is going on ... after my parents and Skye headed out David went and got dinner and had it in my room with me while I was having dinner ... then we went down for a quick visit with Lincoln and are getting ready to head down now to feed him his 9:30 bottle ... I sure hope his glucose test is good before this feeding and they can reduce his intake ... it hasn't been reduced all day today which just prolongs his stay ... I really believe I am going to leave before him and I well up with tears every time I think about it ... I want us all to go home together ... but whatever happens ... happens ...

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you! Hope you ALL get to go home very soon!!
