Monday, March 30, 2009

Holding Lincoln

This morning after finally getting to eat some breakfast I had transport take me down to the NICU ... I was finally going to get to spend some time with my son ... up until this morning I had kissed him before going to NICU and touched his leg on the way to my room ...

David had told me that they wouldn't take him out of the incubator but I just wanted to sit down there with him and hang out ... and to my surprise she asked if I wanted to hold him ... I was so excited ... he is so sweet and soft and opened his eyes ... and cooed when I kissed him ... it was awesome ...

The nurse was a bit uptight ... none of us like her ... so the fact that I got to hold him was awesome ... I spent about 2 hours down there just cuddling and kissing him ... and he really seemed so so so happy being in my arms ... I just wish he could be in my room with me like the other moms ...

OK I gotta pack up my stuff again ... they are moving me up to maternity ... since I am no longer on the magnesium ... this should be my last move before I get to go home ...

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