Tuesday, March 17, 2009

36 Weeks

I had my last sono this morning ... they didn't do any measurements just said, "wow he really is big" ... but they did all the stuff to make sure he moved and breathed - he had the hiccups which counted - it just took a lot longer than normal because I was late for my appointment and then the office was packed so it was about 3 hours from the last time I ate to the time of the test ... so he was still and quiet ... they had to buzz my stomach to get him moving ... which I remarked, "If he is anything like his sister and dad that just pissed him off." ...

I am huge ... it takes me a lot longer to do anything ... even if I start earlier I am still late ... and we still don't have a thing ready for his arrival but we are working on it ... maybe in the next week ... I guess we only have 2 weeks left so it will have to be sometime soon ...

The tech did get me a sono photo ... the only thing she could get was his foot and even that she said was so big she couldn't get the whole thing in ...

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