Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day With Kids

This Valentine's day was fabulous ... it becomes something totally different when you have a child old enough to feel the day is special ... Schuyler said "Happy Valentine's Day" all day today ... it was fantastic ...

We all had a bunch of cards to open this morning ... it was so nice ... and Skye went crazy for it ... she loves all the Valentine's cards ... she also got a little stuffed dog that you can record a message on and she kept talking about how cute he was ... what was cute was her ...

Her favorite part of the day were the red, white and pink M&Ms we had ... she is the biggest chocolate lover I know ... and it is hard to resist her with her hands open together saying, "More chocolate please" ...

Tonight we all watched Wall-E and Skye loved it ... as soon as it was over she asked if we could watch it again ... I had to promise her we could watch it during breakfast tomorrow ...

It has been such a great family day ... there was nothing overly special we did today but the fact that we were all together made me so happy ... and the over abundance of hugs and kisses was pretty great too ...

I even got a new camera case and a gift certificate for a very much needed pedicure ... so excited about that ...

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