Saturday, February 21, 2009

Super Saturday

I had the most fantastic day with Skye today ... David had jobs scheduled all day today so Skye and I headed out for a girls day ...

First we went to the tile store ... we had to change our order that was placed yesterday ... it took a while to get there but it gave Skye time for a quick cat name ... and we weren't in the store very long at all ...

Then it was off to the library ... I hate to admit this but it is the first time Skye and I have been to the library together ... she had gone lots of times with my mom or with David but she and I have never gone ...

She was so excited and kept hugging me and saying, "Thank you mommy ... thank you" ...

We took care of business first ... another thing I am embarrassed to admit ... I had a book that was a year over due ... I was surprised they hadn't just charged me for the book ... when I gave it to the woman and said I recently found it and thought it was about a year overdue she said well it is going to be the maximum penality then ... she said she was so sorry but it would be "blablabla" ... I said did you say 15 or 50? She laughed and said 15 ... I said I think I deserve that for having it so long ... so we paid the fine and then I got my own library card ...

First we found a book for my mom for her next book club read ... then I found the books I want to read ... I have decided to read the Laura Ingles Wilder series Little House ... I don't remember if I read them as a kid but recently Heather said she started reading them and was loving them so I thought it was a good idea ... and it was the only thing I could remember that I wanted to check out ... I figure now that I have paid that fine and have my own library card I can start reserving books on-line as I see ones I want to read ...

Then it was to the kids section ... we picked out a bunch of books for Schuyler and as I started reading "Little House in the Big Woods" (which is terrific so far) Skye watched the fish in the fish tank ... played with some puzzles ... looked through a huge stack of books ... and jumped into these huge floor pillows they have over and over again ... all the while running back over to me and giving me kisses and saying, "Thank you mommy" ...

After we had had our fill of the library and checked out our stack of new books we headed to get a smoothie ... of which we were both excited about ... as we passed Dunkin Donuts Skye asked if we could get some ... and I thought that sounded like a great idea ... we could have donuts for breakfast tomorrow ... so after smoothies it was donut time ...

We got a dozen to bring home and also got some donut holes to have right now and found a nice seat in the middle of the place ... very loudly and clearly Skye said over and over, "ummmmmm mmmmmm these are delicious ... i like these ... yummmmm chocolate cake mommy .... yummy thank you mommy" ... it elicited giggles from everyone within ear shot ... she was totally cracking me up ...

Then suddenly she yelled, "Listen mommy it is my bath song. I gotta dance." ... jumped up from her chair and started shaking her groove thing ... the song playing is on the CD that we play during bath time so she knew it and was ready to boogie ...

A little girl at the next table (maybe 5 or 6) kept saying, "She is so funny." ... then she got up and said, "We're gonna dance" and the two of them started doing twirls and shaking the booties ... it was so cute ...

After our impromptu Dance Fever we headed home ... Grandmommy came over for a little while and hung out ... we got to show her the progress on the house and read some of our new books ...

I'll tell you today was one of those days that makes me long to be a stay-at-home mom ... getting to spend the day with Skye every day would be wonderful ... and she appreciated it so much and was so loving and thankful it makes me wonder if she thinks the same thing too ...

For now I am just going to beel lucky and blessed that I get to have these experiences with her any chance I get ...

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