Sunday, February 1, 2009

994 B Days

Skye has used a B (her word for a pacifier) for 994 days straight ... every day and every night when going to bed ...

For a while we were very good at just using the Binky when sleeping ... but bit by bit it would creep into everyday life ... she loved laying on mommy's bed to watch some TV and snuggle because if she was in bed she figured she could use the B ...

But lately she has been really chewing on them ... which breaks them apart ... and makes them so dangerous ... and I know she is big enough to not "need" them anymore ...

Part of me just wanted to wait until her soon-to-be new brother didn't need them anymore because I do I keep them away from her when he is using them ... but the opportunity presented itself yesterday ...

It started with her waking up at 4 in the morning and asking to come into mommy's bed ... when she got in bed she realized her B was totally torn open which meant it just wasn't working for her and she threw it across the room ... we snuggled for a couple of hours with no Binky ... and Saturday she never asked for one while we were downstairs or when we took a nap on Saturday afternoon ...

Then there was a post on my board about wanting to stop using the binky ... someone suggested going to Build-a-Bear and putting the binkies in the stuffed animal with the hearts you kiss and make a wish on ... so I asked Skye if she wanted to do that ... and she seemed quite excited about it ...

We talked about it all day Saturday and went to the Build-a-Bear website to look at all the different options ... she thought they were all great ... then this morning we played games on the site ... they have one where you help the bear get ready for the day ... taking a shower and brushing his teeth and hair ... she got great with the mouse and moving it to the task she wanted and clicking the button ... it was fantastic ...

So this evening we headed to the mall to go to Build-a-Bear ... Grandmommy and Granddaddy came with us as well ... as soon as she spotted the store she let go of my hand and went running ... so excited ... yelling back over her shoulder to "run run ... try ... run mommy" ...

She looked at all the different choices ... and of course loved them all ... but finally settled on an adorable grey cat ...

We headed over to the stuffing machine ... she was not too crazy about the sound but did hit the peddle and liked watching her cat fill up ... then she kissed her hearts (she said she needed to have two) and put them in her kitty ... then it was the moment mommy was a bit nervous for ... I pulled the B's out of my purse ... and she lost it for a bit ... started crying and came and sat on my lap saying she wanted her B's ... "please mommy B's ... I want B's" ...

I reminded her that we came here because she decided she wanted to be a big girl and not use B's anymore ... and that we figured the best place for them was in her new friend ... she stuck one in her mouth for a second ... pulled it out ... looked at me and said, "OK mommy" ... gave me a hug ... kissed her Binky and then shoved him in the kitty ... then tried to shove the second one in as well ... it got a bit stuck so mommy had to help a bit ...

Then the girl helping us stitched up his back and gave him to Schuyler to love ... and she gave him a great big kiss and hug and said, "Thank you mommy!!!" ...

We washed him off and then "ran" to the computers ... she loves playing with the computers there ...

She helped me fill in everything on the birth certificate and she decided to name her new kitty "Cat" ...

Then she carried her kitty up to the register and thought the carrying case we got was the coolest thing ever ...

David and I kept telling her how proud we were of her ... and she thanked us every time ... so sweet ...

As soon as she got in the car to go home she asked for Cat to sit with her ... and they snuggled and fell asleep together ...

She is in love with her new friend and she can feel her B's inside him but knows she doesn't have to have them ... I am just beyond proud of her right now ... I know shoving them in there tonight was so hard for her but she did it and made us so proud in the process ...

It is so rewarding to see them growing up and so hard at the same time ... she is just such a special little girl and so easily make my heart melt ... how did I get so lucky???

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