Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Commercial Rant

So there is this commercial out for Huggies Wipes right now that I absolutely hate ...

A woman has her kid in a bubble to keep him from getting dirty ... a kinda awkward man approaches her at the park asking which kid is hers ... she points to the bubble kid ... then he wipes his daughter's mouth with a Huggies wipe to clean up the dirt and she suddenly realizes there are things to clean her kid and feeds him messy food and says, "No more bubble for you." ...

First of all it is just stupid ... but I think what really bugs me is the idea that they have made this woman so stupid and it is a man who shows her she can clean up her kid ...

Now I don't want to insult men ... but really if they want to do such a stupid premise for a commercial wouldn't it make more sense if the guy had his kid in the bubble because he didn't want to have to clean up after him and because he didn't know a product did it so well ... and he sees a woman pull out the Huggies wipe and make it so easy ... that he then lets his kid roam free ...

I mean really aren't they insulting the very people who are most likely in the store purchasing their product ... don't you want the consumer who is buying your stuff to feel super smart and like they are in on a secret of what makes life with a little one easier ...

Just had to get it off my chest ... the commercial is on all the time and I get more irked every time ...


  1. Oh! I totally know the one you mean.... I haven't seen the commercial but I saw the add in comic-book form in a magasine and completely agree - how stupid!

  2. I feel the same way! I am a Huggies user but that commercial really gets my goat. Well said!!

  3. I too am a devoted Huggies user ... well diapers and pull-ups but I do buy wipes at CostCo ... the commercial is on Sprout which we watch all the time and I just hate it ...
    Shannon I've see the comic book ad and it isn't nearly as bad as the commercial ...

  4. I find that commercial sooo annoying, not only her weird accent, and by the way I like accents. But doesn't anyone else also get annoyed that she is really done up (hair and makeup) and is at a park, what mom has the time with a baby to get that done up. Not myself or any of the moms I hang out with. So they put a really attractive woman in it and make her look dumb and then put a really unattractive guy that seems smarter. Totally sexist to me.

  5. Get that commercial off the air. I get sooo annoyed now that I switch channels as soon as the commercial comes on. Not sure what the "ad wizards" at Huggies were thinking (make it real stupid so people would talk about it, poke fun at over-protective and over sanitized parents) but it's not working for me.
