Monday, February 16, 2009

MacGyver In Training

Since we started the renovation we are all sleeping in our bedroom ... Skye has her bed in there (even though most nights she climbs into bed with us) ... now she is still at the age where she wants to be around us all the time ... it isn't like she has figured out her mom and dad are dorks ...

When we first started hunkering down in the master bedroom we locked the bedroom door because she didn't know how to unlock it ... it only took a week or two before she figured out how to work the lock ...

So we brought her gate and put it on our doorway ... she has never even tried to climb it or anything and it still lets her see out of the room ... last night she started pushing her potty seat up to the gate and today this is how David found her ...

 So mommy is off to Target on the way home to get one of those things that goes over the door handle and just spins if you don't squeeze it right ... although I feel like MacGyver is going to find it a challenge and figure it out while David and I sleep tonight ...

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