Saturday, February 7, 2009

Catching Up

So I've had a bunch of blog posts in my head but just haven't sat down to write ...

Skye got sick on Tuesday afternoon ... started not feeling good ... of course David was booked for jobs all day Wednesday so I stayed home from work and took her to the doctor ... she was very congested and I wanted to make sure it wasn't settling in her ears ...

Even though Skye says all the time that she, "needs to go to the doctor" she didn't want to be there and cried the whole time we were in the office ... even though her nurse was wearing a Pink Panther (one of Skye's favorites) top and the doctor brought in a pin wheel ... her ears looked fine but her tonsils are big ... so we gotta keep an eye on those ...

Of course the doctor said not to give her medicine cause she is young and we just don't do that anymore ... I could give her Tylenol if I wanted ... I was going to try and do that ... but today is Saturday and she was just getting worse every day ... I broke down and gave her Tylenol cold this morning ... there is a HUGE difference in how she feels tonight ... snot hasn't been streaming out her nose all day ... her cough has disappeared ... she isn't flush anymore and she just seems happier ... so why is it we aren't supposed to give kids medicine??? Why do they say it doesn't work??? Cause I am telling you 3 doses and she is way better than she has been ...

The unfortunate part in this is that I am now getting a headache and a runny nose ... I keep sneezing and a cough is on the horizon ... I can feel it ... so could I have avoided this if on Tuesday when she started feeling bad I started giving her Tylenol cold then??? Cause I can't take anything for my cold ... so it just sucks for me ...

Skye has also been sleeping in our room for a week now ... with all the work being done and no window downstairs (just plastic where the window is supposed to be) and tools all over the place we just figured it was easier to move her mattress into our room and we could all sleep in there ... only she doesn't want to sleep on her mattress ... she wants to sleep with us ... which works well for David and Skye but not mommy ... I was crying at 2:30 last night because I was so bone tired ... had no room in the bed ... was dying of heat ... and just plain 'ol tired of not getting any sleep ... it is hard enough to sleep with this huge pregnant belly but then add a kid to the mix who either turns the TV on herself and talks about what she is watching and won't go to sleep ... or when she is asleep is taking up my side of the bed and kicking me and producing enough heat to keeps a small village warm ... well it just makes for a tired and cranky pregnant mommy ...

We did take a family nap today ... for 3 hours ... during which we all slept which was great ... but now it is 9:30 and she is no where near ready to go to bed ... so although I got a nap it could be a while before sleepy time hits ...

And I have to admit with the construction going on I have actually gotten to the point where the mess is making me crazy ... I didn't think it would really bother me but maybe I am hitting some nesting phase or maybe it is just so overwhelming that it has made me crazy ... but I am officially crazy ... and the bummer is I don't have the motivation to do much about it ... waddling around ... back hurting ... heavy tummy ... they aren't ideal conditions for hauling junk around ... purging stuff from our home ... and cleaning the insanely dusty mess ... but something has gotta happen ... cause before I know it the construction will have moved into our room and then it will be everywhere ...

On a fun note ever since we went to Build-a-Bear to make Skye's kitty that holds her binkies she has been B free ... a week now ... and I am quite impressed with that ... I mean all the stuff going on at the house ... and the people in and out and the mess and being sick ... and she is still binky free ... she found one put it in her mouth for a second and then gave it to me and asked me to put it in her kitty ...

She also found a game on the BAB web site that she loves ... Fluffed & Fabulous... you move the mouse around and click on the things you want Bear to do to get ready for the day ... I am so impressed with how she can move the mouse to what she wants ... click it and then cheer when Bear takes a bath or brushes his teeth ... it is just so cute and so amazing to watch her ... she wants to play it all the time and I am ready at any time to turn over my laptop to her ... except now she says it is her computer and mommy can use it ...

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