Friday, January 23, 2009

Sad News

On Wednesday January 14th, musiKidsFounder and President, Lisa Flaxman Martel, passed away after a battle with breast cancer. I had the privilege of knowing and working with Lisa. She always had a cheerful smile, positive words and a giving spirit to all whom she touched. She will be missed. If you'd like to read more about Lisa, click here.

The family has established the Lisa J. Flaxman MusiKares Fund for the Celebration of the Performing Arts through the Montgomery County Community Fund. This fund will honor Lisa's legacy of support for the performing arts in the local community. Funding may be used to support performing arts celebrations, elementary school artist-in-residence programs, public school community performances, and scholarships for local students to attend performing arts institutions and/or to gain access to private arts instruction. Donations should be made payable to: "Lisa J Flaxman MusiKares Fund/MCCF" and may be mailed to:

Lisa J. Flaxman MusiKares Fund/MCCF
c/o The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region
Attention: Kenny Emson
1201 15th Street, NW, Suite 420
Washington, D.C. 20005

I worked with Lisa while doing Rock-n-Tot ... she was very kind to me and encouraged us greatly in the pursuit of starting our own business and did a lot to help get the Rock-n-Tot name out there ... Skye loved playing at MusiKids and thought it was a great place ... I am sure she will be missed greatly ... oh and please say a prayer for her 3 little kids ... I can't stop crying thinking about them ...

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