Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How Brothers are Made

Tonight during bath time Schuyler and I had the most adorable conversation ...

She likes for me to write her name and mommy and daddy on the side of the tub ... tonight she asked me to write out Lincoln too ...

I then asked her if she knew where her brother was right now ... she put her finger to her mouth and said, "hummmmm" ... so I told her he was in my tummy but would be here soon ...

She said, "It's lots of jelly!!" ... I asked her if it was jelly that made her brother ... she said, "Oh yes ... jelly and bread."

Mommy: "So your brother is made of lots of jelly and bread? What else?"
Skye: "Jelly and bread and a pickle"
Mommy: "Jelly and bread and a pickle - wow ... anything else?"
Skye: "Oh yes and juice"
Mommy: "So to make your brother I took lots of jelly and bread, a pickle and juice - anything else?"
Skye: "And a smoothie ... mommy's smoothie not Schuylers."
Mommy: "So your little brother is made out of jelly and bread and a pickle and juice and a smoothie. And it is all mixing up in my tummy and will be your little brother?"
Skye: "Taaadaaaaaaaaa"

1 comment:

  1. If only it were so easy! So Lincoln is the final answer? I love it! What a stately (dare I say Presidential?) name. Do you have a middle name yet?
