Sunday, November 11, 2001

You're On Fire

something happened last night that made me laugh so fricken hard it is unbelieveable ...

david and i went to get coffee ... we were getting close to home when i thought i smelled something burning ... but then that happens often so i didn't say anything ... david finally said 'do you smell something burning' and i said ... 'yes i do'

he turned around to see if maybe a cig flew into the back seat and said ... 'damn i see smoke' ... so i immediately pulled over and unlocked the car door so he could open the sliding door and see what it was ... he looked in the very back of the van to see if maybe our futon [which we are storing in the car cause we have no place to put it] might be burning ... but it wasn't ... and we were moving stuff all around in the middle section of the van to see if it was back there ... he said 'i don't see anything' then turned so i could see his back and said 'is it me ... am i burning?' ... and i saw smoke coming from the hood of his sweat jacket and i screaming ... 'oh my god it is you ... you're burning' ...

he took his jacket off and flipped the cig out of the hood ... if fell into the car and he picked it up and tossed it on the ground and put his jacket back on and got in the car ... and i just started lauging so hard and said 'honey take your jacket off you are still smoking' ... he took it off and flipped the hood out and there were smoldering embers ... he rubbed it all out ... as tears were streaming down my face from laughing so hard ...

now at the time he was laughing pretty hard too ... that the cig he flicked out the window flew back in and into the hood of his jacket ... but throughout the rest of the night it just kept me cracking up and he doesn't find it that funny anymore ... he is all sad there is a big burn hole in his jacket ... but even typing this out i am crying from laughing so hard ...

so here is what this event did to his jacket ...

DCP02403.jpg (29593 bytes)

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