Friday, November 9, 2001

I was thinking today on our long car ride to the interview ... of all the places i have lived i think New York is my least favorite ... which if you speak to any New Yorker this is the best place in the world ... but i believe that is because most of them have never lived anywhere else let alone leave the state ... they have nothing to compare it to ... but to me ... i am pretty positive this is my least favorite ... mind you it has a special place in my heart cause i met david here ... and that means the world to me ...

over my lifetime i have lived in:

Allentown, Pennsylvana

Fountain Valley, Newport Beach, Upton, Diamond Bar, West Covina, California

Lawrence, Kansas

Durham, North Carolina

Las Vegas, Nevada

Potomac, Maryland

Lindenhurst, New York

I have incredably fond memories of all these places ... places i loved to go and hang out ... walk around ... have dinner ... party ... in each and every place ... no matter how long or short the stay was ... and when i go back to visit any of these place they all have things i have to go and do to spark those memories ... but not New York ...

now i was born in PA but i still remember how great Dorny Park was and would love to go back there ... in cali shit i love going to Wahoo's Fish Tacos and South Coast Plaza and The Bead Shop in Laguna ... Disneyland will always be fun ... The Old Spaghetti Factory out on the Balboa Pennsula and the Fun Zone taking the ferry across to the island ... seeing the palm trees decorated with white christmas lights up the trunks at Fashion Island around Christmas ... and from when i lived in LA county you gotta eat at The Buffalo Inn and the funky shops on Melrose Ave ...

In kansas it is a must to have a beer at The Freestate Brewery ... along with dinner ... and subs at The Yellow Sub ... camping out at Clinton Lake ... hiking up the hill to go to The Natural History museum on campus [god i love that place] ... walking down Mass Street for a little shopping and most definitely stopping at The Phil Zone [where i worked] along with hot glazed donuts at 11 PM at Joe's Bakery [another place i worked] ...

In Durham it was awesome to go to downtown ... they have a killer used record store ... one of those places where you paint your own ceramics ... shopping in the old tobacco factories they converted to shops ... taking a trip to Raleigh to go to Have A Nice Day Cafe or shopping at all the vintage shops in Chappel Hill ...

and damn does vegas need an explanation ... but every time i go back i have to go to MGM Grand and have a Fat Tuesday's drink ... then over to New York New York ... love going to The Drink for bitchen music and drinks out of jelly jars ... sandwiches at Capriotti's [man they are the bomb] ... the most unbelieveably great chiropractor ... some cheap gambling at The Fiesta and walking around downtown and seeing the light show on the ceiling of the open air walkway ...

and in Maryland ... well what can i say ... i love all the museums but especially the National Building Museum ... touring the White House rocks ... seeing fireworks while sitting on the lawn at the reflecting pool ... the Lincoln Memorial and the Korean War memorial bring tears to my eyes every time i go ... Georgetown is awesome beyond words ... i have a blast each time i go down there even when some of those times were on really bad dates ... Chicken Out Rotissery makes the best spinich in the whole damn world ... the train there is a dream to take ... and there is an awesome bead shop in downtown DC ...

but New York ... i don't have these kinds of feelings ... i can't think of anything here that i would need to come back and see ... what the diner where david and i go for french toast ... you can get french toast anywhere ...

i mean maybe it is because we haven't really had much money since we have known each other ... but the only place i mentioned in this enormous list that cost money was Disneyland and David and i have been there ...

i guess maybe i have been wondering what is keeping us here ... i know in order to buy a place in DC we have to live at my parents for a while ... but would it really be that bad ... i have done it many times before ... but the reward would be owning our own place ... that had fucking windows ... the basement is becomming so depressing ...

we are going to stay at my parents for about a week over Thanksgiving week ... and we can see how it goes then ... there is so much to do there so we will spend a week not sitting in the house on our computers ... which can only be good for us ... that is for sure ... and i guess see how everything goes ... :)

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