Sunday, November 18, 2001

man i was going to go to sleep earlier tonight like david did ... but i didn't ... it is almost 3 AM now ... i needed to go to sleep earlier cause tuesday we are leaving to get the new car [wooohooo] and spend the week with my parents ... but i taped a bunch of stuff tonight that i wanted to watch and frankly i am just not tired ... i also have a bunch of stuff i need to do before we leave and i am sitting here trying to get stuff together and make notes of the things that must be done tomorrow ... thank goodness we aren't leaving tomorrow like we were supposed to ... i think it is easier to leave on a tuesday than monday ... cause it is like i got the weekend and an extra day to get ready ... the thing is we have to leave no later than 7AM on tuesday if we want to get to cumberland maryland on time ... i have to go to the DMV to get everything taken care of with the car so we have to get there in time to do that and it is about a 6.5 hour drive ... then from there we have to drive down to my parents house which is another 2.5 hour drive ... it is going to be a hell of a day ...

david was quite funny today ... see before every trip we get in a big fight ... it is really one of the only times we fight but it has happened before every trip we have taken ... so this morning he said "so you wanna fight now? or wait till tuesday?" ... i said "we are leaving too early on tuesday to have time to fight" ... and he said "cool then we will just save it for the car ... it will give us something to do ... hey can we stop at McDonalds for breakfast that will be a real treat" ... i just started laughing so hard ... it will be nice if we can make this trip without getting into a fight before hand ... and since we are leaving so early maybe we will get lucky ...

i am going to have every single thing ready before i go to sleep tomorrow night ... be totally packed ... all the christmas lights off ... appliances unplugged ... house clean ... everything by the front door ready to go that tuesday morning all we need to do is get up ... shower ... get dressed ... get kramer in his cage and hit the road ... that is my plan ... we will see how well we do ... :)

well i really should finish this cig and lay down and try to fall asleep ... i have a bunch of errands to run tomorrow while davie is playing golf with his dad ... i bought him a pair of jeans the other day ... and i just found his size and grabbed them and bought them ... didn't even unfold them ... i have been asking him to try them on for a couple of days so tonight he did ... and when he unfolded them there is this huge bleached number on the bottom half of one leg ... so i gotta go back over to old navy and return them ... it is so damn funny ... and i think i am going to find a nice outfit to wear for thanksgiving ...

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