Saturday, November 3, 2001

Cam Site

so david and i have been talking about starting a cam site ... i had one for about 2 years and totally loved having it ... and david and i could make it a membership site ... and make a little money on the side ... not a lot of money but a little ...

so to prepare for the site we bought a couple of more web cams from ebay ... i have 3 but i only like one of them ... so we bought 2 more of that same kind ... we also went and bought some rope lighting to add light to the room without having to turn on every light in the house ... so it is totally cool tonight david took the clear rope light and affixed it under our desk ... it is soooooooo bitchen ... it lights up the whole area ... it is like we just added all this space to the office because you can actually see down there now ... all the storage we have under there is actually useful ... it is just bitchen ... we also added a red rope light around the headboard of the bed ... [it is so cool both of us like light in the room where we sleep ... i never thought i would meet someone else that didn't want pitch black to sleep] ... now we have green ones to go around the ceiling of the room and then a purple and a blue to add wherever we want ... we have a green and a purple up on the ceiling now ... but we are taking down the purple and adding green to go all the way around ... i think i am going to add one to the kitchen and the do something funky with the last one ... we'll see ... i am sure we will work on that tomorrow ...

well i think i am going to tool around ebay for a while and see if i can find anything neat-o

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