Friday, November 9, 2001

Where Are You Sleep

my problems with sleeping have gone to the crazy stage ... it is like i just can't do it ... and when i do finally fall asleep ... it isn't great sleep ... and it is for about 3-4 hours ... then i am up ... sometimes i go back to sleep after a couple of hours for 3-4 more hours ... but it is just crazy ...

david and i were just laying in bed for over an hour and couldn't fall asleep ... so now we are back up and at the computer ... he has an interview tomorrow too ... at least it isn't until 2:30 in the afternoon ... but still it is crazy that we can't sleep ...

i don't even know how either of us will have a regular job again ... i've tried to retrain my body the last week ... twice i got in bed before 11 PM ... but was up by 2 AM and wide awake ...

and to top things off we bought 2 quickcams on ebay and one works and one doesn't ... and i wasted a huge amout of time trying to figure that out ... now who even knows if the guy will respond to my email about the cam not working ... i mean he has his money ... it wouldn't be the first time we got ripped off on ebay ...

one good thing ... my hosting company ... who by the way kicks some ass ... they called me tonight because the http was sending an error ... can you believe a hosting company calling a client to tell them their server is down ... well after hours of checking stuff out we figured out it was a perl script we ran when setting up our own domain reseller stuff ... so davie found the problem and fixed it ... but it could have been quite sometime before we knew it wasn't running ... probably when i tried to post this blog and i would be bummed to loose all this ... so that turned out to be a great thing ...

well i think i am going to make another attempt at sleep ... even though i am not the least bit tired ... :)

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